Trinh Le Tan1; Dao Thi Dai Trang2
1International School, Duy Tan University, Danang 550000, Vietnam
2Faculty of Accounting, Duy Tan University, Danang 550000, Vietnam
Employee commitment to the company is important to realize the company's survival. One of the determinants of the high level of commitment is job satisfaction. This study aims to determine the role of job satisfaction in moderating the impact of role stressor (role conflict, role ambiguity, role overload) on organizational commitment. The sample of research is 100 employees of Marketing Department, Danapha, Danang. The sampling technique uses convenience sampling method. Data are collected using questionnaires and analyzed by path analysis. The results showed that, first, the role stressor influence job satisfaction. Second, the role of stressor influence organizational commitment. Third, job satisfaction influence organizational commitment. Fourth, the effect of role stressor on organizational commitment through job satisfaction, greater than the influence of role stressor on organizational commitment. The result of this study can be a reference for the company, that to increase employee commitment, the company must increase job satisfaction and reduce the role of stressor to employees. This can be done by assigning appropriate values and norms to employees, clarify goals and work procedures, as well as to provide workload according to the ability of employee, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Keywords: role stressor, satisfaction, commitment
The commitment of members of the organization becomes an important thing for an organization to realize the survival of the company. Commitment shows the desire of employees to stay, work, fund devoted to the company. Mowday et al. (1982) states that organizational commitment is shown by the attitude of employee loyalty continuously to the organization for the success and welfare of the organization. One of the causes of the low commitment of employee organizations is job satisfaction. According to Simons (2005), job satisfaction is something that affects the
commitment of employee organizations. Gunz & Gunz(1994) stated that job satisfaction and organizational commitment have a positive correlation. An employee who has satisfaction with his work, means that the employee has enjoyed his work and feel that his job is a desirable job. A person who has high job satisfaction will show a positive attitude towards his job, while a dissatisfied person will show a negative attitude towards the work itself.
This study aims to determine: (1) the influence of role stressor (role of conflict, role of ambiguity, role of overload) on job satisfaction, (2) the
influence of role stressor (role of conflict, role of ambiguity, role of overload) on organization commitment, (3) the influence of job satisfaction on organizational commitment, and
(4) which one is greater, i.e. direct influence (role stressor to organizational commitment) or indirect influence (role stressor on organizational commitment through job satisfaction).
Armansyah (2002) argues that commitment is seen as something of a value orientation toward an organization that shows individuals highly thinking and prioritizing work and organization. Individuals will try to provide all the effort it has in order to help the organization achieve its goals. Allen & Meyer (1990) states that there are 3 (three) forms of organizational commitment, that are: Affective commitment, i.e. emotional attachment, identification and involvement in an organization. In this case the individual settled in an organization because of his own desires.
Continuous commitment, i.e. individual commitment based on consideration of what to sacrifice when leaving the organization. In this case the individual decided to settle on an organization because it considers it as a fulfillment of needs.
Normative commitment, i.e. individual beliefs about responsibility to the organization. Individuals remain in an organization because they feel obliged to be loyal to the organization. Lowe & Shaw (1968) stated that a subordinate who has a high commitment to his organization will think positively to favor his organization, because subordinates who have high commitment want the goals of the organization running in accordance with the planned. According to Mathis and Jackson (2001), organizational commitment gives particular emphasis to continuity. The commitment factor that suggests the decision to remain or leave the organization is ultimately reflected in the statistics of absenteeism and outsourced labor. Organizational commitment is influenced by
employee job satisfaction, the higher the employee job satisfaction, the greater the commitment of an employee to the organization. Armansyah (2002) also shows that organizational commitment is needed for organizational survival. One of the efforts to realize the organization's commitment is to provide appropriate financial rewards for its members. Individuals who are not satisfied with financial rewards have a tendency to leave the organization and find work for organizations that are better able to meet individual personal expectations.
Mathis and Jackson (2001) argue that job satisfaction is a positive emotional state of evaluating one's work experience. While Wexly & Yukl (1977) express job satisfaction as a person's feelings towards the job. Smith et al. (1969) revealed the existence of five dimensions of job satisfaction, namely: job, salary, promotion opportunities, supervise and colleagues.
Simons (2005), employee job satisfaction can be a predictor of organizational commitment. According to Mathis & Jackson (2001), organizational commitment gives particular emphasis to continuity. The commitment factor that suggests the decision to remain or leave the organization is ultimately reflected in the statistics of absenteeism and outsourced labor. Organizational commitment is influenced by employee job satisfaction, the higher the employee job satisfaction, the greater the commitment of an employee to the organization. Simons (2005), employee job satisfaction can be a predictor of organizational commitment. The results of Anisykurlillah et al (2003) showed that job satisfaction variable had no significant effect on organizational commitment variable. Organizational commitment tends to act as a good predictor of the willingness to move employment auditors who have a long working period.
Xiaohui's research (2007) concludes that organizational learning culture can be seen as an important factor for employee job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The results of
this study also revealed that job satisfaction is positively related to organizational commitment, here job satisfaction serves as a benchmark in determining the emotional response of employees which will have an impact on organizational commitment. The employee will be committed to his place of work when the job satisfaction expected by the employee can be fulfilled by the company.
Findings of Boles et al. (2007), illustrates that the aspects that show job satisfaction relate to affective commitment of employees. The job satisfaction aspect used in this research is promotion, salary, job, supervision of leadership, working group. Results of research conducted by Gunlu et al. (2010) concludes that there is a positive relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. It can be said that when a person's job satisfaction increases, then at that time their organizational commitment will increase as well. Therefore, things that can create a person's job satisfaction should be very concerned, if it is not considered then the organization's commitment will be reduced. In a study conducted by Naderi (2012), found a significant positive correlation between job satisfaction with organizational commitment. The logical explanation that can be drawn from this research is organizational commitment is a function of job satisfaction. Various dimensions of job satisfaction, such as the satisfaction of salary, the satisfaction of co-workers, supervision of the leadership and the work itself is required by the workers to meet their basic needs. When their needs are met then their organizational commitment level will be high.
Empirical studies of role-stress influences on job satisfaction and organizational commitment have been made by Rahayu (2002), where the results show that Boundary Spanning Activities (BSA) are important antecedents affecting role pressures, while Perceived Environmental Uncertainly (PEU) and formalization are not a significant antecedent for both components of the role pressures. In addition, role stress is associated with a number of disfunctional job outcomes. The results of research conducted by
Rahayu (2002) also concluded that role conflict is negatively related to job satisfaction.
Results of research conducted by Jackson & Schullr's (1985) show that role conflict and role ambiguity have negative tendencies with job satisfaction. This means that the higher the role of stressor the lower the job satisfaction of a person, and the lower the role of a person's stressor the higher the job satisfaction. The results of this study are not in line with the results of research conducted by Ardiansyah & Mas'ud (2004) which shows that there is no relationship between role overload and inter role conflict to job satisfaction. Research conducted by Mathiew & Zajac (1990) concluded that role ambiguity and role overload have a negative relationship with organizational commitment. If the company wants to increase its employees' organizational commitment then the company must minimize its employee role stressor. Role of conflict is related to work pressure and job satisfaction. While the unclear role is related to job satisfaction, performance and desire to move. Research conducted by Mathiew & Zajac (1990) concluded that role of ambiguity and role of overload have a negative relationship with organizational commitment. If the company wants to increase its employees' organizational commitment then the company must minimize its employee role stressor.
Cappozzoli (1995) argues that conflict will develop into a problem when people involved in conflict cannot effectively manage the conflict. If conflicts are effectively managed, they will become a constructive force for the organization. The existence of conflict will cause some consequences that will affect the organization. This opinion is in line with the results of research conducted by Suranta (1998) which shows that the influence of conflict cannot only lead to individual emotional consequences such as increasing thetension of employment relationship and decreasing job satisfaction, but also will affect one's organizational commitment.
The result of the research by Ardiansyah & Mas'ud (2004) shows that the role excess variable is significantly influenced by auditor's
education, while the conflict between roles is influenced by income and position interaction, work and age, and education. Other results indicate that the role and conflict between roles does not affect job satisfaction, but the excess role has a positive and significant impact on the conflict between roles. Desiana & Soetjipto (2006) stated that the role of conflict and role of vagueness negatively affect the job satisfaction, and job satisfaction have positive effect on organizational commitment. Katz & Khan (1978) states that the individual will experience conflict within himself if there are two or more pressures that occur simultaneously aimed at a person. Wolfe & Snoek (1962) argues that role stressor indicates the broad expectations of a series of roles of the organization's members facing three-dimensional situations, namely the unclear role (ambiguity), non-conformity of roles so that between roles are conflicting with each other (conflict) and the weight of work pressure (overload).
Rizzo et al. (1970) suggests that individuals faced with high levels of role of conflict and high role of ambiguity will experience anxiety, become more dissatisfied and perform work less effectively than other individuals. Khan et al. (1964) argues that the potential consequences of role of conflict and role of vagueness, i.e. the decrease of job satisfaction of an individual. Job satisfaction is a bridge for companies to achieve corporate objectives.
Organizational commitment is an expected role for the role that individuals perform.
Jackson & Schullr's (1985) states that role of conflict and role of ambiguity have a negative tendency with job satisfaction. This means that the higher the role of stressor the lower the job satisfaction of a person, and the lower the role of a person's stressor the higher one's job satisfaction. This is in accordance with the results of research Kahn et al. (1964) which indicates that role of confict means that there is an inappropriate demand or inquiry on someone. This can be interpreted, there is a conflict between the demands of the organization with the values of a person or conflict because it
receives a series of assignments or difficult assignments. Rizzo et al. (1970) suggests that individuals who are faced with high levels of role of conflict and high level of role of ambiguity will experience anxiety, become more dissatisfied and perform work less effectively than others
Jackson & Schullr's (1985) states that role of ambiguity also has a negative tendency with job satisfaction. This means that the higher the role of ambiguity the lower the job satisfaction of a person, and the lower the role of someone's ambiguity the higher one's job satisfaction. While Kahn et al. (1964) argues that the stress arising from the ambiguity of the goal ultimately leads to job discontent, lack of self-confidence, sense of selflessness, decreased self-esteem, depression, low motivation to work, increased blood pressure and pulse rate, the tendency to leave work.
Ardiansyah & Mas'ud (2004), states that role of overload is generally a socially- formed variable because of a gender perspective. Excess workload is a stress generator. Munandar (2001) argues that the workload can be further distinguished to a quantitative overload of work, arising from the excessive tasks assigned to the workforce to be accomplished within a certain time, and the qualitative overload work, that is, if one feels unable to perform a task, or the task of not using the skills and/or potential of the workplace. According to Murtiasari & Ghozali (2006) the role advantages is inversely proportional to job satisfaction. Kahn et al. (1964) argues that role pressures arise because of two conditions often faced by employees, namely role of ambiguity and role of conflict. In addition to thesetwo factors, Schick et al. (1990) also argues that employee role pressures are also caused by the heavy workload that leads to role of overload. While Beehr et al. (1976) found that role stressor consists of role of ambiguity, role of conflict, and role of overload.
The following hypotheses are proposed based on these relationships.
H1 : Role conflict influence job satisfaction. H2 : Role ambiguity influence job satisfaction. H3: Role overload influence job satisfaction. H4: Role stressor influence job satisfaction.
H5: Role conflict influence organizational commitment.
H6: Role ambiguity influence organizational commitment.
H7: Role overload influence organizational commitment.
H8: Role stressor influence organizational commitment.
H9: Job satisfaction influences organizational commitment.
H10: The effect of role stressor on organizational commitment through job satisfaction, greater than the influence of role stressor on organizational commitment
The research was conducted at Danapha, located on 253 Dung Sy Thanh Khe, Thank Khe District, Danang city. The variables in this research are:
(1) Independent Variable: role stressor (role of conflict, role of ambiguity, role of overload), (2) intervening variable: job satisfaction, and (3) dependent variable: organizational commitment In this study, organizational commitment is defined as the relative strength of the individual in identifying his or her involvement into the organization. The indicators are loyalty, the desire to succeed with the organization and want to always be part of the organization. Job satisfaction is defined as a positive emotional state of evaluating one's work experience. The indicators are satisfaction in the job itself, salary, promotional opportunity, and recognition of the relationship between the supervisor and the workforce, and the opportunity to move forward. Role of conflict is defined as a conflict between the demands of the organization with the values of a person or conflict because it receives a series of difficult assignments or assignments, or conflicts caused by inappropriate job demands. Role of ambiguity is defined as a situation in which a job has a deficiency in predicting a
response to the other's behavior and clarity about expected behavioral requirements, or in other words, vagueness of organizational goals and work procedures.
Role of overload is defined as a condition in which an employee has too much work to do at a time or in other words quantitative and qualitative workload.
Types of the data used in this study are primary and secondary data. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, literature studies and interviews. In this study, the population is employees of Marketing Division of Danapha Danang city, amounting to 202 people, with a sample of 100 people with convenience sampling for sampling techniques. The data in this research are analyzed descriptively and inferences by using regression analysis and path analysis.
Gender shows the physical condition of a person. In relation to work, gender often gives meaning to one's physical and mental strength. The respondents of this study were dominated by males with 88 people (88%). This is because the position as a marketing work outside or field, so reasonable when domiciled by men.Age reflects the physical and mental condition of a person, in relation to work, age may reflect the particular needs of a person and the maturity of the mindset.The respondents were dominated by employees aged 21-30 years i.e. 73 employees (73%). The level of education reflects the intellectual level of a person. This condition often also reflects the quality of work. In terms of education, respondents are dominated by respondents who have undergraduate education, namely as many as 44 people (44%). Employees who have a degree of undergraduate education are expected to have adequate work competence in the workplace.
Sources: Processed Primary Data, 2018
Role conflict influence job satisfaction. Kahn et al. (1964) argues that role of conflict means that there is an inappropriate demand or inquiry on a person. This can be interpreted, there is a conflict between the demands of the organization with the values of a person or conflict because it receives a series of assignments or difficult assignments. Role of Conflict arises because a worker has a conflict between the tasks that must be done with the responsibilities they have. The emergence of this role conflict will affect the job satisfaction. Employees will feel job satisfaction if there is no a lot of pressure and load in work. Job satisfaction will arise if what someone gets in accordance with what is expected. These results are in line with the results that have been obtained, the higher the role conflict the lower the employee job satisfaction.
Role ambiguity influence job satisfaction. Ambiguity is a vagueness of the perceived role of employees, this is not always make employees feel unsatisfied with work. Employee positions with each other differ in response to this ambiguity role, so this variable does not affect the work satisfaction. Role of ambiguity can be interpreted as a situation where a job has deficiencies in the prediction
of a response to the behavior of others and clarity about the expected behavioral requirements. Some things that can lead to ambiguity of the role of unclear job goals/objectives, responsibilities and work procedures. The stress arising from the obscurity of the target ultimately leads to job dissatisfaction. In this research, role of ambiguity factor has negative but not significant effect on employee job satisfaction. The results of this study are still in line with the results of previous research conducted by Jackson & Schullr's (1985) stating that role of ambiguity has a negative tendency with job satisfaction. This means that the higher the role of stressor the lower the job satisfaction of a person, and the lower the role of a person's stressor the higher one's job satisfaction.
Role overload influence job satisfaction. Excessive workload can be a stress generator. Workload can be an excessive workload, i.e. the task given to the workforce to be completed within a certain time or workload because people feel unable to perform a task, or the task does not use the skills and/or potential of the workplace. Based on the explanation, it can be concluded that the advantages of roles inversely proportional to job satisfaction. This workload will have an impact on job satisfaction. The results of this study support the results of research conducted by Murtiasri & Ghozali (2006) which shows that the higher the role of overload the lower jobsatisfaction.
Role stressor influence job satisfaction. Roles are a representation of expectations for the behavioral fit that working team members should play. Leaders and team members have a role that must be run according to their respective functions. The hope of team members' behavior should be in accordance with the expectations of all parties involved in the work team,either directly or indirectly. Jobsatisfaction will arise if what someone gets in accordance with what is expected. Role stressors have a
organizational commitment, here job satisfaction serves as a benchmark in determining the emotional response of employees which will have an impact on organizational commitment. The employee will be committed to his place of work when the job satisfaction expected by the employee can be fulfilled by the company. Work in accordance with the ability of the workers will make the worker satisfied working at work so as to generate employee commitment. Supervision of the leadership, the supervisor of excessive supervision will make employees feel uncomfortable to work, as well as the leader who is indifferent to his employees will make the employee feel not appreciated by the leadership. As a leader should be able to provide an example to its employees, if there is a violation of the rules the employees should be given sanctions and if there is an achievement, the leadership does not hesitate to praise and give awards to the employee, so that will emerge commitment among employees.
The results of this study are also in line with the results of research conducted by Gunlu et al. (2009), indicating that there is a positive relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment. It can be said that when a person's job satisfaction increases, then at that time their organizational commitment will increase as well. So that things that can create job satisfaction a person should be very concerned where if it is not considered then the organization's commitment will be reduced. The results of this study are also in line with the results of research conducted by Naderi (2011), which found a significant positive correlation between job satisfaction with organizational commitment. The logical explanation that can be drawn from this research is organizational commitment is a function of job satisfaction. Various dimensions of job satisfaction, such as the satisfaction of salary, the satisfaction of co-workers, supervision of the leadership and the work itself
is required by the workers to meet their basic needs. When their needs are met then their organizational commitment level will behigh.
Figure 1 shows that the effect of role stressor on organizational commitment through job satisfaction, greater than the influence of role stressor on organizational commitment. This means that job satisfaction can mediate the influence between role of stressors with organizational commitment. Armansyah (2002) argues that employees who are part of the company in work will have a commitment in organizing. Organizational commitment in general can be interpreted as an employee engagement to the organization where the employee is working. Commitment is needed by the organization so that competent human resources in the organization can be maintained and well kept. An employee's organizational commitment will increase if the burden of conflict is small, accompanied by high job satisfaction, and vice versa. Jackson&Schullr's(1985) states that low role of stressor will have an impact on the increasing work satisfaction and organizational commitment.
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Based on the analysis result, it can be concluded that first, the role stressor influence job satisfaction. Second, the role of stressor influence organizational commitment. Third, job satisfaction influence organizational commitment. Fourth, the effect of role stressor on organizational commitment through job satisfaction, greater than the influence of role stressor on organizational commitment. This study has limitations, first the data is based solely on the questionnaire field without being followed by in-depth interviews to obtain more complete data, and secondly, path analysis uses only very simple methods
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